Illustration von Angestellten die auf einem Buch mit Software Stories sitzen.

Inspiring stories

Modern technologies and software are part of our job – but they’re our passion as well! That’s why we love to blog about our experiences and want to share our knowledge in our stories.

Illustration von Angestellten die auf einem Buch sitzen.
Illustration von Angestellten die auf einem Buch mit Software Stories sitzen.

Latest Stories and Posts

The LangChain Effect

Simplifying AI with Modular Tools and Intelligent Agents LangChain stands out as a revolutionary open-source...

The Shift to Continuous Threat Monitoring In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, diverse cybersecurity threats...

Effective alliances between UI Designers and Software Developers Effective collaboration between UI designers and software...

Prompt engineering expands interaction with AI tools beyond simple commands. It utilizes natural language to...

Using the tool for advanced users The OpenAI Playground is a powerful tool that enables...

Elixir sigils are general-purpose tools for handling common data types. Examples of built-in sigils include...