Sigil Sorcery: Custom Sigils in Elixir

Illustration eines Zauberrituals

Elixir sigils are general-purpose tools for handling common data types. Examples of built-in sigils include strings (~s), regular expressions (~r), dates (~D), and lists of words (~w). But, as you might have guessed, Elixir’s flexibility doesn’t stop here; Elixir allows us to create custom sigils for specific needs, and that is what we’re doing now. […]

Code BEAM Europe 2023

Last month we attended Code BEAM Europe, a conference centered around programming languages that run on the BEAM virtual machine like Erlang and Elixir. During the two conference days we met inspiring people, listened to interesting talks and got updates on the future of the BEAM ecosystem. While the talks are not publicly available (yet), […]

IEx is awesome!

Elixir’s interactive shell, known as IEx, is a powerful tool that allows Elixir developers to quickly test and evaluate code snippets, define and test functions, and interact with their Elixir applications in real time. Here are a few reasons why Elixir’s interactive shell is awesome: IEx provides a convenient way to test code snippets and […]

What is an elixir module anyway?

Foto eines Synthesizers

If you programmed anything with Elixir (if not, check our introductory Elixir Interview) one of the first things you encounter are modules. But what exactly is a Module and how do they work internally? The basics Modules are one of the key building blocks of the elixir language and also of the BEAM, which is […]

Basics and background on the Elixir programming language – An interview

Logo Elixir

Dynamic, Scalable, Maintainable. These are the keywords that many programming languages in the market use for advertising. Elixir, too, promotes itself with these attributes and yet it stands out as exceptional. The programming language has been around since 2011 and has a steadily growing fanbase. This community actively contributes to the development of the language […]