QRCodeEx Release

Wir haben QRCodeEx auf unserem GitHub account veröffentlicht! Es ist ein simpler unbahängiger QR-Code-Generator, geschrieben in Elixir. Go check it out! Kürzliche Posts

Data Science for Mathematicians

The Transition of Mathematics into Code Mathematics is a science that deals with the logic of different things like quantity, shape and arrangement. Mathematics is everywhere— and as it is all around us , it has become an important part of our daily lives. As society has evolved, so has its usage and application.   […]

An Introduction to Data Science and Real-World Applications

Komposition mehrerer Fotos der Bereiche Transport, Education, Social Media, Agriculture, Healthcare, Insuarance, Security

Data science combines mathematics, statistics, and computer science, in a way that helps identify patterns within data and draw insights from it. From this, data can be modelled to solve real-world problems. What is Data Science and why is it important? The advancements in technology and the ability to collate large amounts of data has […]