Philipp Haussleiter
Software Engineer & Technology Consultant

Philipp has been working as an IT consultant and software engineer since 2008 and specialises in the infrastructure and operation of software systems. In recent years, he has also been active as a trainer and team lead in projects and contributes his experience to the training and management of teams.
Over time, he has increasingly specialised in architecture and conceptual topics. His approach is to break down complex issues into their individual components and describe them in an understandable way. This enables well-founded decisions to be made in projects that are comprehensible to all those involved.
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“Threat Modeling – Ein wichtiger Schritt zu besserer IT-Sicherheit”
DigitalXChange 2024, Gummersbach, Oliver Tigges, Raphael Esterle
“Evolving Cybersecurity – The Shift to Continuous Threat Monitoring”
“Kreativer Brückenschlag – Synergie zwischen UI-Design und Code”
Inspired Story, Sophie Rauhut, Oliver Tigges
“Raus auf den Markt! Digitale Innovationen zum Kunden bringen.”
Digital Xchange 2022, Gummersbach
»Moderne Software-Architekturen und die Herausforderungen für die Organisation«
Stormforger Enterprise Performance Lab, Köln
»Using JavaScript inside JVM to navigate data graphs«
»Blockchain verstehen – In wenigen Stunden zur eigenen Blockchain«
OOP 2019, München
.NET User Group Rhein/Ruhr
»Self-contained Systems oder Microservices – Hauptsache SOA«
Software Architecture Summit 2017, München
»Heraeus Kulzer digitalisiert den Auftragsprozess mit AWS«
Online-Special Architektur 2015 der Zeitschrift OBJEKTspektrum
»Scalable Software Systems – From developer laptops to server farms«
Online-Special Architektur 2013 der Zeitschrift OBJEKTspektrum
JavaSPEKTRUM 02/2007
JAX 2006, Wiesbaden
JavaSPEKTRUM 01/2005
Forum Sichere SOA-Infrastrukturen, Mainz